Friday, September 25, 2009

Seems Like I Only Post When Diep Tells Me To

Hello! I haven't posted anything for a while now! Probably because I think blogging is lame and a complete waste of time! LoL just kidding.....

I've been really busy at work starting from around early August until September 15th because that was our Tax Extension Deadline. ( Companies have to file their taxes by March 15th, but they can choose to extend their deadline by 6 months to September 15th.) Diep thought I was spending soo much time at the office cuz I had a secret love affair with a co-worker and wrote as her Gmail Chat Status "Paul is having an Office Affair". To clear this up.....It is TRUE, Hahah j/k I wish. My company does a lot of Extensions, so it's the busiest time of the year for us. So during this time I would stay at work late and come in on weekends, which SUCKed!!!

The last week leading up to 9/15 was CRAZY!! I would stay till like midnight everyday and there was one day I pulled an All-Nighter. But its all over now, and I finished all my work on time, Thank God!!

After the deadline, for the rest of the week I had nothing to do at work! I would come in at like 12, eat lunch, go to the mall across the street, and leave at like at 2:30 to go to my friend's house to play Ping Pong LoL. This week I got some work, but not nearly as much as I had during the summer. So its a lot more chill now.

Ohhh yea Funny Story So after each deadline, my boss takes the company out to a really fancy dinner and drinks afterwards. Everyone celebrates the end of the deadline and gets really wasted. This year we went to Santana Row in San Jose. I didn't think I drank that much but at the time I haven't drank in a while cuz I was so busy, so my tolerance for alcohol was pretty low. I remember the dinner and the beginning part of the night when we went to a bar, but after that I completely blacked out and next thing I know I wake up on my friend's futon.

So I go to work the next day, and I hear a lot of funny things that happened that night (None of which I remember!) There was a shuttle that dropped people to my Boss's house I took that because my friend lives close to my boss and I was planning to crash at his place. And apparently when I got off the shuttle, I had to go pee. My friends that picked me up told me to wait but I guess I just wandered off and peed on my Boss's Neighbor's yard. (At least I didn't pee inside the tent and all over Emma's sleeping bag! LoL sorry Josh)

The next day I go to work and I see an Email from my Boss that says "I understand you took a "Pee" on my neighbors yard. This is Inappropriate Behavior just like Hyden's Inappropriate Behavior. Please come to my office to discuss. (Hyden was an intern, that got fired two weeks ago because he got really drunk with some co-workers in the office and harassed the building janitor when he was trying to go to the bathroom.)

I go in my Boss's office and he calls in the HR Manager and he's talking to me like he's going to fire me. And I'm sitting there Sweating Bullets!!! Then all of a sudden he says I can't do this anymore and starts busting out laughing with the HR manager. And I'm like WTF is going on!? Turns out they thought it would be funny to mess with me. What a Brilliantly Evil thing to do.......

Dang that was a long post!!! Maybe That'll make up for not writing for a long time, and now I won't have to post again for a while. Hahah!!!